- Contact your local florist and have a bouquet created for your session. This is also a fun way to preview what your wedding day flowers will look like.
- Contact your venue or session location in order to reserve a time frame for your bridal session. Ask if there is a space in order for you to get ready in so that you can plan ahead.
- Make sure that appointments and contacts are made for your hair and makeup.
- Perhaps get a manicure and your engagement ring cleaned for any close up photos of your hands during the session.
- Contemplate a Plan B location for bridal portraits in case the weather is too cold or rainy.
- Bring any props or variations for your wedding day look, that you might need or want captured in your photos.
- Make plans to arrive 30 minutes prior to your bridal session so that time is allowed for last minute details and slipping into your wedding dress.
- Bring along a small towel or blanket in case you want to sit or lean against anything that might be exposed to outside elements regularly.
- If you decide to have portraits taken outside, try not to worry about your gown touching the ground. However, make sure there is time before your wedding to have your dress dry cleaned if needed.
- Make sure that all last minute details, such as shoes and jewelry have been decided on and are ready in time for the session.