Julianna and Duncan's love story began during their spring break in high school. Despite Julianna not looking for a relationship at that time, Duncan's unwavering persistence won her heart, and they soon fell in love. Their first date was at Zapata's, followed by a game of golf. Although Julianna does not like Zapata's, she looks back fondly on that day as a memorable time spent with her now-fiancé. Their engagement took place in Key West, a special place for the couple as they had vacationed there together for the past five years. The picturesque destination was the perfect backdrop to celebrate their love and commitment to each other. Julianna admires Duncan for his kind and easygoing nature, which complements her personality perfectly. Together, they enjoy exploring different places, indulging in delicious cuisine, and spending time boating. It is an honor to capture the beautiful memories of Julianna and Duncan's love story. Congratulations on your engagement, I am looking forward to capturing your big day! May your love continue to flourish and grow!